Control of the facilities
Easily accessible and convenient inspection information
Client Portal Safehub
Control of the facilities. Easily accessible and convenient inspection information.
The Safehub customer portal gives DEKRA's customers convenient access to the inspection information contained in DEKRA's databases.
Get control of your facilities. Easily accessible and convenient inspection information.
The Safehub customer portal gives DEKRA's customers convenient access to the inspection information contained in DEKRA's databases. The web programme lists the object information in a table whose content is determined by the user.
The default setting in the system is to show some basic identification information as well as the last inspection date and the so-called inspection status, but can easily be changed directly in the portal. The inspection status is illustrated by a colour indicating whether the object is approved for use (green) or whether another status exists. The selection of which objects to display can easily be determined by filtering.