En man i vit hjälm, förberedd för säkerhet, exemplifierar professionalism i en byggmiljö.
Utlåtanden i fordonsbranschen

Trovärdighet för samtliga parter

Opartiskt utlåtande

There are times when a neutral party is very helpful in customer relations.

An impartial opinion from DEKRA creates credibility for all parties who are easy to relate to. DEKRA has a long background and broad experience of various statements in the automotive industry. We only undertake assignments ordered by companies.

The Impartial Opinion service is a service for legal entities with operations in the automotive industry where differences of opinion have arisen with vehicle owners.
Sometimes disagreements may arise after a workshop visit between the legal entity (in the automotive industry) and the vehicle owner as to whether the service (repair) has been carried out in a professional manner, and whether the repair may have adversely affected the vehicle from its original characteristics. It may then be appropriate to contact DEKRA for a statement.
DEKRA and our regional technicians are impartial and have a good knowledge of current industry standards, and thus we can help you with a written impartial opinion on whether the repair has been carried out professionally or not.
The documentation becomes a guide between the parties to resolve the difference of opinion that has arisen between you. Our assignment is completed after we hand over the documentation to the client.

Beställning Opartiskt utlåtande

  • Fyll i samtliga fält nedan
  • Beskriv ärendet så tydligt som möjligt.
Då beställning kommit oss tillhanda kontaktar vi er och går igenom beställningen, vilka underlag som finns för uppdraget etc. Därefter tar vi beslut om vi kan gå vidare med uppdraget.
DEKRA Quality Management AB

Fältmätargatan 15